We get emergency Transferred to Lapulapu 1st. We are assigned in an elders area. Our area Cebu 5th that I reopend and then it got closed again after two transfers since some elders went home and they needed to close an area. We had trainers training and while eating pizza President asked to interview us before we left. He asked about support of the area, and our investigators. The next day the assistants to the president called us and told us we would be transferred to Lapulapu the next day Saturday. The transfer call was made. This is my third open area on the mission. It's super tiring since we have no clue about the area. At least the area is way cleaner. I can't see the ocean but at least there is a breeze!
To quote my letter to president...
I think that Sister Schmutz needs to have a discussion with the elders
about cleaning their apartments again. We came into the apartment
shocked. Luckily we didnt have time to look around since we went
straight to work with the zone leaders. We luckily went to the store
before coming home to the apartment and bought cleaning supplies while
we were there. It took me 6 hours to clean the bathroom. Can I just
say its bad when you find a bottle of Domex and zonrox bleach full,
unused with mold growing on the out side. We thought it was pretty
ironic! Supposedly the best cleaning product in the world Dormex with
mold growing on the outside! Thank you president for the humbling
experience. We still estimate it will take about 3 weeks to clean the
whole house its a work in progress, but at least we have a spotless
bathroom!! Have I ever mentioned that I like a clean house almost to
the point of OCD. I think I have discovered the reason the elders are
getting sick so often. I think it has something to do with their
mattresses. When I took the mattress cover off to be cleaned I
discovered a black mattress pad underneath that smelled stale. I dont
know how many elders have slept in that bed sick, and I am sure never
washed the mattress cover after. When I washed the mattress cover the
first two rinses the water was black. Then next rinse cycle the water
was brown. Then the next two rinse cycles the water was yellow!! I let
the cover soak for about one full day then washed the years of dirt off
of the cover. I refuse to sleep on the mattress pad and have just been
sleeping on the wood part of the bed. Its not very comfortable, but at
least I wont get sick. Sister Taylor has braved it and just put her
sheet on the bed she has yet to try to wash the cover she says if she
doesn't look its like its clean, but she has gotten a small cough I told
her its from sleeping on the mattress. We texted Elder Ernstrom about
getting new mattresses and hopefully they come soon. President I won't
even tell you about the rest of the house! At least one positive thing
is that I have only seen one dead cockroach under the fridge in the last
week we have lived in the house. Unlike the last house when we had to
fortify the house against the big roaches getting into the house. Ahh
the life of a missionary. Maybe that's why they don't require the
sisters to go on a mission they are afraid we will be scared for life
when we get emergency transfered into elders apartments. I hope that
this will bring a smile to your face remembering the time when you were
an elder in the mission feild president I would only hope that you
weren't this bad about cleaning!! Also I would like you to know Elder
Hardin mentioned how clean the apartment was when he gave us the key.
Thats when you know your in for a big surprise!!
The apartment was way worse than the other apartment that we were in last transfer.... Elders!
Life of a missionary its full of surprises.
Love you
Sister Bruno